The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a political party in India that was formed in 2012 with a focus on fighting corruption and bringing about systemic change. Since then, the party has come a long way and has made a name for itself in Indian politics. Let's take a look at the current state of politics within the party.

The AAP is currently in power in the state of Delhi, where it won a historic landslide victory in the 2015 Assembly elections, winning 67 out of 70 seats. The party was re-elected in 2020, winning 62 out of 70 seats. This has given the party a strong foothold in Delhi, and it has been able to implement some of its key policies, such as improving healthcare and education, providing free electricity and water, and reducing corruption.

However, the party's fortunes have not been as good in other states. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the AAP failed to win a single seat out of the 40 seats it contested across Delhi, Punjab, and Haryana. In the 2020 Bihar Assembly elections, the party won only one out of the 70 seats it contested. The party's performance in the upcoming Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab will be crucial to its future prospects.

One of the key factors in the AAP's success in Delhi has been the leadership of its founder, Arvind Kejriwal. Kejriwal, who was a civil servant before he joined politics, has been able to connect with the common people and has presented himself as a clean and honest leader who is committed to serving the people. However, there have been some rumblings within the party regarding Kejriwal's leadership style, with some members feeling that he is too authoritarian and does not consult with the party's senior leaders enough.

Another issue that has plagued the AAP is its lack of a clear ideological stance. The party has positioned itself as being anti-corruption and pro-development, but it has not articulated a clear position on issues such as nationalism, secularism, and social justice. This has led to criticism from some quarters that the party is a populist outfit that lacks a clear vision for the country.

Overall, the AAP has made significant progress in the past decade, but it still has a long way to go before it can establish itself as a major player on the national political scene. The upcoming Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab will be crucial in determining the party's future course. If it can perform well in these elections and expand its presence in other states, it could emerge as a viable alternative to the established political parties in India.


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